Create Link-Site
Just download this link-site and modify it for your needs. It already includes link generation, page system and grid system.
DownloadBest Practices
Keep it simple and self contained. Less is more.
- Avoid external dependencies
- Use SVG for images when possible and reasonable
- Avoid including videos, it's an overkill. Consider using WebTorrent.
- Specify last modification date
- Specify Web URL where user can find latest version
What is a Link-Site?
Link-Site is a website/webapp that lives entirely in a link, don't need any server, loads instantly and can't be blocked.
Copy or Bookmark link to this link-site to access the website anytime and anywhere.Advantages
- Don't need a server
- Loads instantly
- Offline access
- Can't be blocked
- Can't be taken away for a user
- Users can't be tracked
- Make links heavy and put extra load on a linking page
- Can't be updated after the link is copied
- Has size limitation based on Url Schema max-size of a browser
- Modern browsers block data:urls, need to copy the link or use bookmark
- Can't be taken away for a user ;-)
Use cases
- Bypass oppresive government blocks
- Survive server/business death
- Avoid server costs